Speakers & Performers

Alan Newman
Alan Newman

Owner of Arts Riot. Co-owner of Higher Ground. Newman is the founder of the Magic Hat brewing company and Seventh Generation. He also is part-owner of the Camp Meade property in Middlesex, a mix of commercial buildings including an art gallery and outdoor space for live performances.

Myra Flynn
Myra Flynn

Singer and songwriter, Myra spent her Vermont childhood clad in leopard print and platform shoes. Now she spends her career embracing dichotomy. Half Irish and half African American, her original indie/soul songs blend soulful vocals with a lyrical delivery that doesn't let one get too comfortable.

Kyle Clark
Kyle Clark

Founder of BETA, Adjust Faculty Member, University of Vermont Kyle says “Sometimes everything you’ve ever done suddenly intersects with everything you’ve ever wanted to do.” Fun fact, after Harvard Kyle spent his NHL signing bonus on flight lessons.

Eva Sollberger
Eva Sollberger

Creator of Stuck in Vermont and award winning Seven Days' show that has been watched by millions. "Since I was little, all I ever wanted to do was tell stories. I have been working in media production for 20+ years fulfilling that dream."

Nick Cheney
Nick Cheney

Nick Cheney is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Vermont, where he directs the UVM Neurobotics Lab and is a core faculty in the Vermont Center for Complex Systems and Data Science. Nick's research interests span many subfields of machine learning, but he is particularly fascinated by systems that learn how to learn.

Kristina Gretouce
Kristina Gretouce

Kristina is a singer and songwriter, with a sound bath channel on Instagram. A health crisis some 10 years ago began her journey of healing and liberation. She realized how incredibly powerful we all are and that it is vital we use our gifts to love and lift the people of planet earth.

Greg Kelly
Greg Kelly

Greg, our CTO/COO, co-founded Ceres Greens out of a passion for fresh, local food to be available yearround, everywhere. Greg is a technologist and inventor, having been a founder or served as a senior executive in seven startup companies spanning forty years.

Brooke Isabelle
Brooke Isabelle

Brooke is the co-owner of Live Forever Foods a Community Support Kitchen (CSK) delivering plant powered food and creative snacks to fill your kitchen with intention and magic. She also teaches yoga and high-intensity interval training in her spare time.

Marc Bolh
Marc Bolh

Marc is the Founder of Supercollider and lead sherpa at Synaptic Supercollider. The inspiration for the event comes from his desire to make the best conference and festival you've ever been to, and contribute to the emergence of Burlington, Vermont as a leading hub for innovation. See other projects Marc is in involved in at marcbolh.com


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